Saturday, February 10, 2007
Tucson Show + BeadExpo

The Tucson Show at Bead Renaissance was a wonderful event. We carried more than 1400 styles of beads, the largest ever seen in Tucson. Our special new dichroics were a huge hit and will be going on the web shortly.
Jeff's bar coding and scanning in of orders made checkout easy for our customers and our printed sales receipts were really appreciated by the customers.
How many times have you been to a show only to get home and have no idea what anything costs? We aim to make buying easy for you as well as repeat buying since you can easily use the product code to re-order.
It was a pleasure to meet so many of our online customers who came from around the world. We enjoyed putting faces to our email friends. We also enjoyed meeting our new customers.
On the heels of this great event, don't forget that we'll be at BeadExpo 2007 in Oakland California on April 12-15. There are 110 Workshops where you can learn various types of beadworks and over 150 Vendors. There's a special VIP night for Wholesale Customers only on Thursday April 12. So don't miss this fun event.
See you there.